Cancer has a devastating impact on the lives of children and young people, from all backgrounds, and all walks of life. We operate within a system of structural inequity, a system that provides advantages for some members and disadvantages for others. We cannot make sure that no family faces cancer alone if we aren’t doing our part to address the inequity that exists in our health systems and within our own organisation.

When a child is diagnosed with cancer it threatens everything, for them and their family. At a time when they should be busy being children, enjoying their rollercoaster teenage years or finding their feet at uni, life becomes full of fear. Fear of treatment, but also of families being torn apart, of overwhelming money worries, mental health stretched to breaking point, of having nowhere to turn, no one to talk to.


Everyone under 25 with cancer, and their families, will get the support and help they need during their cancer treatment and beyond, including bereaved families living with emotional pain. 

We want them to thrive, not just survive, and for everyone to join in that mission.


Our values are at the heart of how we act as an organisation and who we are. 

We are brave
We are confident
We have integrity
We are one team 

We need to be brave and confident with integrity – to make sure there is evidence behind what we are saying. We need to work collaboratively as a team – in the charity, with families, and with partner organisations.

Powered by the kindness of our supporters, we will help families find the strength to face whatever cancer throws at them.


When a child is diagnosed with cancer life becomes full of fear, for them and their family. Fear of treatment, but also of families being torn apart, overwhelming money worries, of having nowhere to turn, and no one to talk to.

At Young Lives vs Cancer, we believe children and young people with cancer, and their families, should have the same opportunities as anyone else. And we know that specialist, high-quality and empowering support during cancer treatment has a lasting impact, creating a
better future for children and young people.

We want to help families find the strength to face whatever cancer throws at them. In order to achieve this aim, we focus on three strategic goals:

  • Reaching more of the people who need us
  • Ensuring there is equity, both in terms of the service we offer children and young people with cancer, and in terms of raising our voice on their behalf so they can have the same opportunities as everyone else
  • Sustainable growth, so we can continue to be there for young cancer patients and their families, now and in the future.